Homeless in Gaza

by tiny, daughter of Dee, mama of Tiburcio @povertyskola

The connections between our targeted, unhoused relatives in Gaza and our unhoused bodies on occupied Turtle Island

“WTF??? Three cops came up to me in succession, first cajoling, then demanding, then threatening arrest if I didn’t leave. This wasn’t just a sweep, this was terror.” Jonny X, longtime RoofLessRadio at POOR Magazine reporter from Occupied Yelamu, SF reported from under his tarp at 8th and Mission. 


Homelessness and Colonization

Defund Police. Invest in Community. House. Feed. Empathy. Listen. Teach.

by Kiara Gabriel

Homelessness is a serious issue affecting many communities around the world, including Indigenous populations. In many cases, the loss of Indigenous land has been identified as a major contributing factor to homelessness among these populations. Let’s explore the relationship between the loss of Indigenous land and homelessness, and the various ways in which this problem can be addressed.

Indigenous populations have been displaced and dispossessed of their lands and resources for centuries.


Street Sheet x Street Spirit x Sogorea Te’ Land Trust Collaboration

An introduction

This issue is the first of its kind. It is a collaboration between two street newspapers—the Street Sheet in San Francisco and the Street Spirit in Berkeley—and the Sogorea Te Land Trust, an urban Indigenous women-led land trust based in the San Francisco Bay Area that facilitates the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous people. Within these pages you’ll find stories of displacement and struggle, calls to action, and dreams of a future where decolonization is not merely a metaphor,



by Tatiana Lyulkin

Nobody owns the sunrise,

The air we breathe,

The ground

Where we plant

And nurture our seeds.

The ones

Who were here before us

Believed so.

You can’t buy a waterfall,

A mountain meadow

Where the yellow 

And blue flowers bloom.

Nobody owns

A quiet country road,


Affordable Housing on Stolen Land

by India Christian Price 

I grew up on stolen land.  But as a Black woman in the Bay Area, primarily in the East Bay and partially in the Peninsula, I never fully understood that the land was even stolen, and that’s actually where the problem began. You grow up seeing white people, wealthy people, really damn near everyone except Black people owning homes and having expensive things. And you believe that it may have always been this way,


Decolonizing Homelessness

An Origin Story

by Tiny, daughter of Dee, povertyskola co-founder /visionary of Homefulness

@povertyskola on Twitter and IG and online at https://www.poormagazine.org/post/decolonizing-homelessness

Decolonizing or dying?

I mean how can we talk about just transfers

and still b owning her while she b desecrated and yet we keep buying and selling and buying

Mama earth is who I speak of

Our great mama who like our mamas we only have one of

Her purchase

Your profit

Leads to all these violent Evictions and sweeps that got us poor peoples dying

From WinnaMucca to Wood Street to around the corner from 1st nations elders to grandmamas like Iris Canadá and Elaine Turner

Buying selling renting and dwelling -if u po u lucky if u win the real esnakke monopoly end up housed instead of at the mercy of scamlords,



By Arcenia Macedo Sixto 

The moment I was able to understand as a child that I was considered an alien in the United States, my heart broke. I wondered why my three older siblings all held those important papers that made them special. 

In 1999, my mother began her treacherous journey through disadvantaged and violent towns in Mexico, alone with a 2-year-old baby. She eventually had to connect with a coyote to cross the border.


Stands on Rock with Fists

original storypoem w/ accompanied collage art by Jason Hannan

On cusp dusky twilight, periwinkle wide – breaching highest cotton edge, our souls touched.

Tasked selling the Epic Triathloniversary, 45th & not in merchandise mood. I hadn’t been since the indigenous occupants’ diffusing back to their land after stand together. 

I heard the Muscogee hymn from Trail of Tears throughout the moon phases & couldn’t cease it. Rattled me like birth.


Reclaim the Land

By Jocelyn Radeny

Homelessness has become one of the biggest menaces that has hit quite a good number in the USA. What most of us do not know is that one of the causes of homelessness is privatization of Indigenous land. Years back, people would live in places of their choice without having to worry about human displacement or eviction. Many places in America have been home to different Native Nations over time.