Sweeping Us to Nowhere

A RooflessRadio WeSearch project by Tiny with Leajay Harper, Momii Palapaz, Frankie Carter, Alex DeLeon, Jay Paulino

RoofLessRadioSOMA reporter Sr Asuncion with his bus ticket to Nowhere

“Do you know where the bus station is,” RoofLessRadioSOMA reporter Sr. Ascunsion, laughed nervously, throwing back his wavy black /silver hair as he uncrumpled a small piece of paper he held in his hand ”And do you know where this town is?” 


Is the City of San Francisco About to Wage a ‘War” on the Homeless?

by Malik Washington, Destination Freedom Media Group

A couple weeks ago, Mayor London Breed (San Francisco CA) appeared in a debate alongside a number of other potential mayoral candidates vying for public support.  Mayor Breed made comments related to the removal of homeless people from city streets.  I perceived her carefully chosen words as a clear warning aimed at the homeless population of San Francisco.

The month of August 2024 will usher in the beginning of a San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) operation which seeks to remove homeless people from areas deemed as public property and relocate them elsewhere. 


Call to Action: Support RV Dwellers on the West Side

As of August 1, a critical situation has unfolded for low-income families and individuals living in RVs in District 7 on San Francisco’s west side. The imminent threat of displacement looms large, and without immediate intervention, these residents may face homelessness. These are not abstract statistics: they are our neighbors, people thrust into this precarious situation through no fault of their own.

For over three years, the Coalition on Homelessness and committed allies have been working tirelessly to support these communities.


Driven Out: Former Bernal RV Residents Still Searching for Safe Parking

by Madeleine Matz

In late March, Armando Martinez and other RV residents who had been living outside of Bernal Heights Park were forced to move when a long-dormant parking ban went into effect. The group splintered, with Martinez, Darwin Pena and a Yucatecan couple together relocating first to the Mission, then to the Bayview and finally to the Excelsior District. 

The moves have taken a toll. 


Keeping Score: My Review of the Coordinated Entry Test 

by CJ Ross

“Where am I taking you? Where are you gonna stay tonight?” It was 2016. I Googled “shelters in San Francisco” on my friend’s phone from the passenger seat with about two hours left until we reached the city. 

I never thought I’d return to the city where I was born and raised. As I searched, I expected to find lists of places to sleep in a pinch,