Behavioral Health

(In memory of Luis Temaj Tomas)


On Tuesday, October 12, 2021

TV news announced

That a homeless man

Had died from his burns

He had been sleeping 

In his sleeping bag

The previous Friday 

When someone set his

Sleeping bag on fire

At 25th street and South Van Ness

In the Mission neighborhood

In San Francisco’s Latinx neighborhood

He was Latinx.


Side Notes

The manner in which the hours of freedom.. 

are spent determines, no less than labor or war, the moral worth of a nation.” 

— Maurice Maeterlinck 

Little Miss Muffet

Sat on her tuffet

Smoking a bowl in the dark

Along came a ranger, 

Took her weed and detained her 


Poetry Spotlight

Valentine Love

By Lawrence Hollins

Love is: Sharing and caring, giving and forgiving

Love is: Loving and being loved, walking hand in hand, talking heart to heart

Love is: Seeing through each others eyes, laughing together, weeping together, praying together, moreso staying together

Love is: your best friend, your king or queen, your dream, your everything…

Love is God: and that’s what you are,