I’ve been living here in San Francisco going on the last seven years, and I have had my fair shots of violence towards me, such as being in my tent, asleep, while someone burned it down with me inside. The San Francisco Police Department also had a few involvements as well, from Luís Góngora Pat and Jessica Williams, two homeless people who were killed in officer-involved shootings, just to name a few. And let’s not forget the innocent individuals who also suffered from street-based violence such as Eddie Tate, Terry Hopkins and Joe Hum.
These individuals were innocent individuals who were homeless and were victims of violent crimes committed against them. My brother who just passed away was stabbed and died from his injuries on April 21, 2017. The person who did it, whose identity is being kept secret, really doesn’t understand who he took from us, and I feel that he really doesn’t give a care about what he did. I also feel that the housed residents of San Francisco don’t give a care either about homeless people either.
Believe it or not, some of us do have families who do worry and care for us. Even though we are not around our immediate families, it doesn’t mean we haven’t built extended families while being out here in the streets. And they mean just as much to us like the families we grew up with. Just recently, I was jumped by two guys for no particular reason.
See, I understand how people view us out here in San Francisco.
When are the housed residents of SF gonna have a heart for us?
The violence against the homeless is NOT fair at all. We are human as well. Those innocent individuals became victimized and are no longer here with us, and all we are left with is the hurt, the pain and sorrow of our loved ones not being here with us.
So I challenge the Mayor, all City officials and lawmakers to come together and fight for justice for these families who have to go to sleep every night knowing that their loved one is never coming back to them. And let those who have passed away be put to rest with the justice they deserve.
Please stop sweeping these incidents under the rug like they don’t matter to anyone and catch these people who are taking our loved ones away from us.
I am currently in the process of gathering up funds to help out the family of Terry Hopkins for his burial. If you have any questions on how you can help donate money to the family, please feel free to email Kelley Cutler at kcutler@cohsf.org or email me, Shyenene Brown, at shybrown1081@gmail.com. All donations and proceeds will go to the family of Terry Hopkins.