by Morgan Zo Callahan 6-18-18
(June 25,1956 NYC to June 8, 2018 Strasbourg, France)
For viewers of the award-winning series “Parts UInknown” and for curious seekers of parts unknown, anywhere, everywhere, here’s a short poem, a tribute to Anthony Bourdain, (creator and presenter of “Parts Unknown”) who died tragically on June 8, 2018:
Gift given, passing to Mystery
your soul’s next curiosity
Bye Adios Shalom Warm Abrazos Grazie
Hello, are you in the invisible world, sweet Tony?
We feel you, cordial world shrinking peace wishing phenom
Sharing parts unknown, sisters & brothers awaiting
the kind touch of a faraway magnanimous friend
Human being man traveling lip licking man, afraid & fearless, solitary & outgoing
Brilliant touching Stories like prayers: no person unworthy of interest,
unqualified for fairness
Respect dignity, nourishing secrets of food, life & heart are revealed
Tasting deeply the juice of good living, suffering, despair, & hope
there is no other place to go in the visible world.