[Poem] what will they say about me when i’m gone?

what will they say about me when i’m gone?

will i be a peaceful innocent? wrong place wrong time? victim of circumstance?

or a casualty in the culture war who tempted death with his extreme views and political


will i have gotten what i deserved, at a stranger’s hands? at the end of the pole on the hood of a car at knifepoint with a bullet in my back

consider this a will. i’ll print it up on an index card and keep it in my pocket.

so if i die out there you’ll know what to do.

if i die out there today

bury me in bloc

wrap me in the black flag

don’t let them see my face

if i die out there today

keep my dead name off the news

make sure they use a good picture

put the right name on my grave

if i die out there today

don’t ask the cops

why they didn’t save me

don’t ask the liberals

where they were

because you know damn well

if i die out there today

hold a molotov vigil

comrades remember me

as small

as scared

and trying not to be

if i die out there today

don’t let them lie about what i died for.